My first musical demo experiment using Outputs Arcade instrument
My first musical demo experiment using Output s Arcade instruments to create a track. I also used 3 instances of Outputs Portal for the twinkly granular highend processed textures you hear flowing in and out of the transition parts. The goal for me was to try and create an entirely new song from scratch using only sounds and textures from completely different Arcade instruments to see if I could write something new and fun. Here is a detailed rundown of the instrument parts. 1. Tiny sinelike sprinkled melodies at the intro were from the Particles instrument preset (Outer Limits) 2. Second track using the Hooked Vocal instrument preset (I Gotchu). I just fell in love with these vocal snippets and tried to create an interesting repeating Arplike sequence that would later build the foundation of the progression of the track. 3. On the 3rd track I used the Warped instrument preset (Space Colony) which plays this nice airy string pad at part 1:52. 4