The album Outside is a rather diverse release, in which the compositions, despite their similarity, consistently develop the original concept. Throughout the album, the sound undergoes curious metamorphoses. Having got out of the cozy cradle of the starting composition, he keeps changing until he goes into gloomy nihilism. In general, an interesting example of underground music, combining dark jazz motives, sporadic angry outbursts of witch house and features of what is now called neoclassicism. Tracks: 1. 00:00 MIRROR IMAGE ARTIFACTS Outside 2. 06:29 MIRROR IMAGE ARTIFACTS Everlovely Killmen Thing 3. 11:22 MIRROR IMAGE ARTIFACTS Hidden 4. 18:50 MIRROR IMAGE ARTIFACTS Hidden Two 5. 25:26 MIRROR IMAGE ARTIFACTS Night Dive 6. 29:34 MIRROR IMAGE ARTIFACTS Still Motion Spotify Apple Music , darkja