20230210 v3 The Next Generation of Vuetify by John Leider Nation 2023
John Leider is the Author and creator of Vuetify, a popular Material Component Framework for Vue. Vuetify is an MITlicensed project that is developed and maintained fulltime by John Leider and Heather Leider. John joined the Nation 2023 virtual stage to share with us the state and plans for Vuetify 3 He highlighted some of the new features like Global Application default, layout systems, theme system, a revamped documentation site, and more in the recently released Vuetify 3. After this indepth presentation John did an extensive Q A Vuetify Panel where he answered numerous questions ranging from using Vuetify, to new components and features, to opensource contributions Tune in Visit Vue School Coming soon: The official certification of competence for the Framework Join Forge Episode 3 Join Vue School s Hiring Program Do you want to master Nuxt 3 Mastering Nuxt 3 Course Contact us