Twenty Years Progress in Palestine Under British Mandate. (1943)
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The modernisation of the state of Palestine (Israel) during the time of the British Mandate. Full Description: PALESTINE: EXT Train along railway tracks signpost in foreground Palestine Railways , Palestinian on mule alongside canal, man turning wheel on pipe from which water is gushing connected with irrigating the land, tractor at work cultivating land, tractor past camera Jerusalem: Traffic and pedestrians along modern streets, The King David Hotel, Jews at Wailing Wall, Arab men sat around table in market, natives along narrow street in market, Arab woman along street with basket on her head, car stopping at petrol filling station, Arabs selling oranges to car travellers, young Arab boy on donkey INT Silk factory where silk is spun for parachutes, woman checking roll of silk, men working in fact