British Troops In Korea (1950)
Unused, unissued footage dates and locations may be unknown, unclear. British troops over the 38th Parallel visit of General Sir John Harding (Commander in Chief of Far Eastern Forces) and Air Vice Marshal CA Bouchier (representing British Chiefs of Staff and Personal Liaison to General MacArthur) North of Seoul, Korea. Various shots of trenches showing dead bodies of North Koreans. Pretty gruesome stuff they seem to be decomposing. Koreans in white, walking around and looking at bodies. Most hold their hands over their noses, probably from the stench of the rotting bodies. C, U of body. Shots of North Korean prisoners, including women. Korean with arm in sling. British officers interrogating Koreans. Brigadier Coad and other officers. Australian officer. Korean children. General views of quiet Korean Street. M, S of two British soldiers reading in truck. C, U British soldier asleep in truck. British soldiers chatting and smoking around their trucks. Pan deserted foxhole. M, S