Worlds Best Slopestyle Riders Play INSANE Game Of
The ultimate Game of Competitors: Erik Fedko Tomas Lemoine. Judge: Nicholi Rogatkin. Location: Greenhill Bike Park during SwatchNines Rules are simple: the dice the decides the tricks that both riders have to land. Failure to do so assigns a letter from the word BIKE. First rider to complete the word loses has to trick an old beaten up city bike over a jump. Let the games begin Follow Erik Fedko on Instagram: Follow Tomas Lemoine on Instagram: Follow Nicholi Rogatkin on Instagram: Experience the world of Red Bull Bike like you have never seen it before. With the best bike videos, from Mountain Bike Downhill to Cross Country plus BMX and original series, prepare for your stoke factor to be at an all time high. Subscribe to Red Bull Bike on Youtube: Get the FREE Red Bull TV apps for all your devices: Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull Bike on Facebook: Red Bull Bike on Instagram: