Kate Bush, , Army Dreamers (1980)
I do not own the rights to this audio. All rights belong to respective artists and publishing companies. Army Dreamers, by the lovely Kate Bush off her album Never For Ever. Set to images from the Vietnamera. There is an occult history of not only this country but of the world that is kept from your Profane ears and shielded from your unenlightened You are considered nothing but the cattle, the worker bees of a race within a race, scarcely, if ever, catching a glimpse outside yourself and your immediate surroundings. There are things happening in this world that are beyond your present cognition. Time to open your eyes and wake from your long, primordial slumber. We, as a people, MUST defeat the masters of war, the rogue, occult, criminal element of world finance that pushes for a one world government under their totalitarian, technofascist rule. They killed Kennedy, they run the CIA, they own a considerable amount of our elected officials