Robert Flack Cant Sing due to ALS diagnosis
So Roberta Flack has been diagnosed with ALS also known as Lou Gehrigs disease. The Disease has left her unable to sing anymore so there will be no more Roberta Flack performances in the future. In fact the singer is having a hard time just speaking, from what her Manager told the public recently She was an amazing vocalist of the 70s and truly put that sound on the map One of her biggest songs was Killing Me Softly with His Song, and that was a well played song growing up in my house. I remember my brother learning how to play that on the guitar, and me having no luck trying to figure out how to play it on the piano, of course I was like 7 or 8 and after learning Red River Valley what else is there to learn on the piano. At least that is what I told my mother, who didnt believe me at all. , robertaflack, killingmesoftly, anos, arethafranklin, laurynhill, michaeljackson, soul, whitneyhouston, pattilabelle, gladysknight, peabobryson, tinaturner, ninasimone, dianaross, luthervandross,