CAVU Provides Overview of 2021 Drilling on Hopper Copper Gold Project
CAVU Mining Corp. (CSE: CAVU, OTC:CAVVF, FSE: 8NQ) (CAVU or the Company), is pleased to provide an overview of the 2021 drilling campaign on the Hopper coppergold project located in the Yukon. The Hopper project is in the traditional territory of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations. Highlights The skarn, now named Copper Castle, mineralized footprint expanded from 433, 000 m2 to 507, 000 m2, a 16 increase Visual inspection indicates mineralized skarn horizons intersected in every hole at Copper Castle Mineralized margin of a porphyry intrusion intersected from surface to 200m depth through testing of three complementary datasets with one hole Drilling results are expected to be returned from MS Analytical Langley soon The footprint of mineralization at Copper Castle increased by 16, after CAVUs inaugural drill campaign. Mineralization at Copper Castle occurs over a strike length of holes targeted skarn. ..