Snuggelina Kiss Me, Hold Me, Love Me ( English)
Snuggelina performing Kiss Me Hold Me Another cute bunny song :) German title: Schnuffelienchen Küss mich, halt mich, lieb mich This is not a Your Favorite Martian music video Get Snuggelina on your phone: Send a text message with the word SNG to 75555 Under 18 need parental consent. Subscribers certify they are account holder or have account holder s permission, and agree to these terms, full terms and privacy policy at per month for Jamster Plan (20 credits to use for ringtones, videos, graphics and games, apps) until cancellation. Games, apps not available on Verizon Wireless or Virgin Mobile. Not supported on all cell phones. Charges appear on cell phone bill or deducted from prepaid balance. Carrier message and data rates may apply. To cancel, text STOP to 75555. For help, text HELP to 75555, email or call (866) 8565267. You love Snuggle Bunny, Schnuffel and want more cute bunny soсыффффффюячд вьцшущсвыююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю