Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC: I should go and calibrations
For I should go scene compilation (MaleShep version) follow this link: For I should go scene compilation (FemShep version) follow this link: Watch this scene with MaleShep, EDI Tali: Watch this scene with FemShep, Wrex Kaidan: Want more Citadel DLC and other Mass Effect 3 DLCs Check the playlists down below: Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC Mass Effect 3: Omega DLC Mass Effect 3: Leviathan DLC Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut DLC Mass Effect 3: Javik the Prothean From Ashes DLC Want more Mass Effect Check the playlists down below: Mass Effect 3: MEHEM mod Mass Effect 3: Endings, endgame, goodbyes speeches Mass Effect 3: Miscellaneous videos Kaidan Romance: Mass Effect 1, 2 3 Liara M Shep Romance: Mass Effect 1, 2 3 Tali Romance: Mass Effect 1, 2 3 Garrus Romance: Mass Effect 1, 2 3 Ashley Romance: Mass Effect 1, 2 3 . .. and many more Subscribe for more Mass Effect (and other games) here: Thanks for watching