The FIRM La Rosa Scala Darlene CASE What Can Brwn Reds Do 4 U
From a PVR that was on the fritz (disposed of properly a mnth later) so you ll notice MANY DIGITAL VID anomalies, segments suddenly ending and LaRosa and Scala turning into the Hindu goodess Durga. Alt Title::Mexican jumping beans jealous cause LaRosa Y Scala (figures) are livelier. Disclaimer:: This is NOT a direct recording of the over the air transmission. It has been filtered to better show off in a respectable manner the sexy figure of Ms. Rodrigues, Ms. LaRosa and Ms. Scala. Its TV, a visual business so I understand (being a freelance Camman, public access studio work) stations have to adjust lighting to maintain a decorum, I just tweak the VIDs 25to35 to give a hint of the true sexiness of the women that inform us while also raising ratings within a classy manner. BTW during the first viewing of Scala presenting traffic updates, at the end 00:28s in that was not me burping. OnAir date:: 20210105TUE(January 5 2021)