I Love Dogs Song for Kids, Pancake Manor
Zach and Reggie LOVE dogs and puppies Have your toddler sing along with this original song about their favorite pet Song + New Lyrics 2014 Pancake Manor PANCAKE MANOR PLUSH and TShirts , dogs, puppy, animals Get this song on our album 2 iTunes Amazon Facebook Instagram Twitter Visit Us Lyrics Dogs are playful Dogs like to bark Dogs have wagging tails when they walk in the park Some dogs are short Some dogs are tall Dogs really like it when you throw them a ball I love dogs, I love dogs I love them Woof Dogs are hairy Some dogs get dressed If they re sleepy they like to take a rest Dogs drink water (Water ) They eat dog food (Food ) They ll eat your that s rude I love dogs, I love dogs I love them I love dogs Even the one who ate my sandwich Check out some o