Learn English Pronunciation Vowel sound, ɪ, British Pronunciation practice
Lets look at the short vowel sound, ɪ,. This vowel sound, ɪ, can be found in words in, it and think and can be difficult for nonnative speakers. The sound, ɪ, is created as if you are smiling, so the lips widen. The tongue is down, the tip of tongue touches to lower teeth. Dont say this sound softly. Its more direct. So, put the tongue to its up of the front of the mouth, to the top of the roof of the mouth, get ready to voice that sound out. The mouth isnt permanently closed, so its not fully closed. Its a little bit open where the teeth are but its more shorter if you had it wide open. Join Perfect English Pronunciation Online Course courses, pronunciation, Perfect English Pronunciation coursebook Spoken English selfstudy coursebook All about English Tenses in a simple easy way English Pronouns Find Lingportal here: Web: FB: Instagram: Subscribe on YouTube: , lingportal, ,englishpronunciation, ,englishsounds, ,britishpronunciation, ,pronunciationpractice,