This short film Kissing pink is about MEOWKILL female community inspired by strong but cute ladies worldwide. Kissing pink song, made by kodieshane became its anthem. Context: MEOWSKILLS bases in Moscow in Russia where everything is always uncertain, the future doesnt seem to be any bright, but young girls want to shine. Russia is like a big old animal: it is conservative and slow, it changes slower than young generation mind. Women in russian society are still supposed to be the center of household: strong, devoted, humble, fertile and extremely attractive, although they achieved all possible rights and became equal with men. That is why the newest generation of young ladies cannot find their happy place in life under the pressure of social gestalts. Meowskills: We dont believe in fast and global changes, we are on a human scale, local one that is not measured in square meters or global laws, it is measured by shared ideals, interests and motivations. Sport and dancing is a way of storytelling. It is