How to Do Da Big Girl
Bestselling apps now free: This dance came out of the Baltimore club scene before spreading to other cities. It involves a lot of hip rotations and torso isolations. 1. Place your hands on your thighs. This will help you to balance. 2. Isolate your torso in a very wide arc, swinging your upper body around in a loose circular motion. If you remember from previous videos, isolations involve moving one body part independently of everything else. 3. While your torso is swinging, your legs will lean from left to right with your feet splayed apart. For this movement you re only moving your legs from side to side, your feet should remain firmly planted on the ground. Let s Review 1. Balance your hands on your thighs. 2. Swing your torso in a circle. 3. Lean your legs from side to side. Read more by visiting our page at: