State of the art portative analyzers and geochemical prospecting for porphyry copper deposits
Хабибуллина Юлия (Julia Khabibullina) научный сотрудник геологического факультета МГУ research fellow at the Department of Geochemistry, Faculty of Geology, Lomonosov Moscow State University). This talk will highlight the main results of geochemical prospecting with the use of a Niton XRF spectrometer at the Baimka licensed area that includes Peschanka the largest porphyry copper deposit in Russia. As it will be shown, utilizing portative analyzers can increase efficiency and productivity of exploration due to rapid analysis and defensible data. Whereas, the following interpretation of geochemical data needs to be adjusted to the presence of secondary oxidation of sulfides to assess resources adequately. Лекция на английском языке, Lecture in English.