Harold Wilson At Pipe Exhibition (1970 1974)
Unissued, unused footage dates and locations may be unclear, unknown. Prime Minister Harold Wilson at Pipe Exhibition. M, S of Harold Wilson lighting his pipe for photographers at a pipe exhibition. A woman gives Wilson a book for his wife called Poetry of Smoking. Female commentator talks about first ever pipe exhibition in London. Shots of several antique pipes. Wilson is shown round the exhibition. M, S of Wilson talking about what first turned me on to pipes. He tells anecdote about sitting out negotiations with Soviet Ministers while smoking a pipe. Several shots during the speech of more pipes. Woman interviews Wilson about pipes She asks Wilson if he ever has the thought in his mind that pipe smokers are more virile, more exciting and more fascinating men than anybody else. He lights his pipe and says no. He talks of cartoonists seizing on his pipe to caricature him. He normally carries two pipes around with him, in case he drops one or it gets bunged up (fascinating, isn