Microsoft Data Scandal Global Tax Gets Backing
New details have emerged showing that Microsoft has been disclosing swaths of information to the United States law enforcement agencies in a manner that the firm has dubbed routine. RT s Trinity Chavez and Boom Bust s Ben Swann dig into the revelations and what rules justify the move. ( 1:03 ) Plus, a new global minimum tax is on the horizon as the U. S. has received backing on its proposal from 130 nations. Market Gauge s Michele Schneider and Boom Bust s Christy Ai join the show to bring us their takes on the tax and the ongoing state of inflation. (9:16) Then we take a look at the newest breakthrough in NCAA sports as its studentathletes will now be able to profit off their likeness. Victor Matheson of the College of the Holy Cross lends us a hand to break down the move and what these athletes will now be free to do. (17:25)