Selected Originals Korea (1950)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, outtakes, rushes) for story The Fire In Korea 50, 62. Material from newsreel item extra shots. Korea. VS of American troops and nurses boarding landing craft from troopship. MS Major General Hobart R Gay seated in landing craft as it goes in for landing. CU Gay. MS Gay, on shore, giving orders to officer in charge of unloading supplies. MS Gay getting into jeep. MS Jeep drives off. MS A Korean, wearing US uniform, being questioned at front line. He is suspected of being a North Korean. VS Troops waiting for and getting onto train. VS Troops on train. LS Lines of equipment. LS Tank on truck. MS Soldier seated in gun turret of tank. MS Rail trucks in station. Soldier walking along platform. LS Troops sitting on equipment on train. Small Korean boy stands on platform. LS Troop train in platform. MS US soldier talking to Korean railman. CU US soldier seated on equipment. LS Trainload of equipment moving off. VS Korean woman filling water bottles for sol