From Dusk Till Dawn Pilot Trailer ( Directed by Robert Kurtzman)
A teaser shot in 1991 by Robert Kurtzman, featuring Day of the Dead s Joe Pilato as Seth Gecko. Kurtzman: In 1988 I wrote a 24 page treatment about a family taken hostage by 2 criminals on the run who seek refuge in a down and dirty, vampire infested biker bar south of the Mexican border. Co Producer John Esposito and I would later hire then unknown screenwriter Quentin Tarantino to write the screenplay for From Dusk till Dawn. I came up with the Dusk as a directing vehicle for myself. And in the late summer of 1991 at the tail end of shooting Sam Raimi s Army of Darkness I borrowed a dolly and some track from production (with Rob Tapert s permission) and pulled in a favor from Panavision for a camera and shot a promo short for the film. Joe (Day of the Dead) Pilato plays Seth Gecko. I had no money and I built the sets at KNB using whatever I could find. I had to put up the set on Friday, shoot on Sat. and have everything cleaned up on Sunday so