GIANT EGG SURRPISE OPENING with Spiderman Superman and The Hulk Super Heroes Toys
Join Ryan from Ryan ToysReview as he open 3 super mega giant eggs surprise We have giant egg Spiderman, giant egg Hulk, and giant egg superman Inside those three Eggs Surprise are lots of Superheroes toys for kids like The Avengers Remote Control RC Hulk, Batman v Superman Hot Wheels Batmobile city chase that comes with toy car, Spiderman Car, Marvel Ultimate Superman vs sinister 6 featuring Venom, Superman talking toy figurine and more Ryan drink a special red drink that turned him into Marvel Superhero Spiderman so he could use the Spiderman Web Shooter to crack the Spiderman Egg. Spiderman drink the green drink and now he s Spider Hulk Spider Hulk used his strong power to crack the Hulk Giant egg, and finally drink the blue drink to become Super Spider Hulk He used Superman s laser eyes to crack open the Superman Giant Egg