Relaxing Soul Music sometimes you miss the old days Chill Soul Songs Playlist
, soulvibes, soulmusic, chillsoul Relaxing Soul Music sometimes you miss the old days Chill Soul Songs Playlist Tracklist: 00:00, 0. Give Me Your Love spring gang 03:25, 1. Get Me out of Here Mindme 06:29, 2. Enough of You Velveteen 09:26, 3. Give in to Me Gloria Tells 12:46, 4. Focus on Myself Gloria Tells 16:03, 5. Even Though It Hurts spring gang 19:13, 6. Can We Try Again Gloria Tells 22:27, 7. Go All In Deanz 25:28, 8. And Then I Wake Up spring gang 29:01, 9. Are You down for Love spring gang 32:30, 10. Better Place spring gang 35:36, 11. Can We Work It Out CLNGR 39:09, 12. Can t Make Up My Mind Gloria Tells 42:16, 13. Choose Me spring gang 45:36, 14. Climb Down from Your Pedestal Gloria Tells 48:43, 15. Come Back to Me Katnip 52:29, 16. Dreams Are Gone Gloria Tells 56:11, 17. For Sure Ray Ray 59:04, 18. Come Clean Gloria Tells 01:02: