Mehso Fer Na Kaho Video, The Revolution
Watch the latest song by the Punjabi Urban Singer Mehso performing Fer Na is first ever Indian video song based on Football theme. Artist dedicates the song to all the soccer lovers in India abroad. Download Fer Na Keho from iTunes Song Fer Na Keho Artists Mehso Music Majic Lyrics Mehso Music Label Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. sms SMMESO to 56060 for full tracks and mobile downloads sms SMMESO6 to 56060 to download Punoo Haniya 2 full track sms MESO to 52040 for Caller tunes For exclusive updates on Punjabi Music like us on: Subscribe: Vevo Follow us: Twitter: G+: Music video by Mehso performing Fer Na Keho. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd.