Neuromorphic Computing Is a Big Deal for A. I., But What Is It
Engineering computers to work like brains could revolutionize technology as we know it. Heres everything you need to know about neuromorphic computing. Get 20 off domain names and web hosting when you use coupon code SEEKER at checkout Neural Networks: How Do Robots Teach Themselves Read More: Thinking in Silicon Computers are incredibly inefficient at lots of tasks that are easy for even the simplest brains, such as recognizing images and navigating in unfamiliar spaces. Machines found in research labs or vast data centers can perform such tasks, but they are huge and energyhungry, and they need specialized programming. SpiNNaker Home Page SpiNNaker is a novel computer architecture inspired by the working of the human brain. A SpiNNaker machine is a massively parallel computing platform, targeted towards three main areas of res