As Sayyid Al Imaam Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi ( Know Your Language)
The AnsaaruAllah Community, Universtiy (Nubian Islamic Hebrews) has been established since the year 1970 A. D., this was the victorious opening of the seventh seal. No one in the Islamic world has put forth as much doctrine as the AnsaaruAllah Community has in the short span of 40 years. The quote below speaks about the AnsaaruAllah Community and its millions of Ansaar (Aiders of Allah) worldwide. The AnsaaruAllah (Nubian Islaamic Hebrews) formed a community, which identifies very closely with the original Muslim culture of the Nubian Sudan. This community, which originated in the turbulent years of the sixties, has tried to accommodate Black Nationalism, and Islam in one stroke. These facts are what attract African Americans, after they have been introduced to Islam, to this community. They want to live in a spiritual space free from the corruptions and difficulties of life in the general African American community. Their community life is very structured, unique and systematized. Women, married