Penguin Dance, Brain Breaks, Jack Hartmann
The Penguin Dance by Jack Hartmann is a super fun song for brain breaks. The Penguin Dance uses a growing pattern to teach left and right, following directions, listening skills and helps develop gross motor movement skills. We mirror left and right sides to make it easy to follow. Brain research suggests that physical activity like engaging in my fun movements songs like Penguin Dance, increases a students ability to process and retain new material. I think brain breaks should be fun Parent, teachers and kids all love the Penguin Dance. Brain Breaks including songs like the Penguin Dance help your children rejuvenate and refocus on learning. Have fun moving and learning with this penguin song. The Penguin Dance is on my Get on Board the Transition Train album. Lyrics Educational Song Lyrics: Have you ever seen a penguin come to tea When you look at me a penguin you will see Chorus Penguins attention, pengui