AURORA Quote 268: This Could Be A Dream We have so much work to do (2022 01 25)
Aurora Aksnes Zitat 268: This Could Be A Dream: This song is also something I want people to figure out for themselves, but I feel like we spend a lot of time dreaming about how things could have been or could be, if we only you know did this or did that and we ve we failed to see how much of our dreams that is actually possible to turn into truth, and I feel like a lot of people are being distracted from reaching their full potential, because they re constantly fighting for themselves so they can never truly run, because they re busy all the time with simply managing to just stand up again and I feel like it translates into, that we should all fight for each other more and for equality and for the wellbeing of humankind, cos imagine what the world could do and what humans could accomplish, if we took more care of each other. If we had a world of people that could actually do something with their minds and their power and their abilities and talents, but so many of those people,