a perfect autumn day in my life in seoul, korea VLOG
Hi everyone I m back in Seoul with more Korea in autumn vlogs and the season is just starting to kick up steam here. Probably by the time this is posted, the leaves will all be changed :) I checked my photos from last year and our first snow in 2018 was November 24 so we ve got to enjoy this month as best we can before the long winter haha. I hope you enjoyed my simple day in the life and I have successfully cured my jet lag since filming this so all is well See you next time Mentioned: Sky Park Berkeley Coffee Social I Donut Care Frankenstein Music from Get 2 Months Free: ESAE TRAVELING Use this code for a 35 DISCOUNT on AirBnb Donate a coffee FAQ Whats my job (Nonteaching job in korea) Where do I live (Korean apartment tour) Where am I from How do I edit, film If you d like to add subtitles to this video, here s the link Thank you so much, you have no idea how much my mind is blown that people take the time to do this You can also find me here: Instagram: Twitter: Tumblr: Website: