Seadoo Sportsters LE DI 951 out for a test ride
HUGE THANKS to Jesse Preston for the opportunity to capture this moment While out on the, HernandoCountyFlats test riding the new jet boats, we had a chance to stop off and enjoy the, FloridaSunset It has been a true honor to bring your machines back to the water with confidence Wild rides for sure , MotoReworks, Seadoo, JetBoat, Sportster, 951ID, LoveFL, PWC, Rotax, 4Tech, 2Stroke, 4Stroke, SpringHillFl, BrooksvilleFL Contact, Locations 13445 Chambord St, Brooksville, FL 34613 (321) 2529612 Custom Service Repair WE DO NOT OWN RIGHTS TO THE MUSIC PLAYED IN THIS VIDEO. SOUNDTRACK: DANGER ZONE ARTIST: Kenny Loggins