Judge Dredd Recycled Food Delivery
Hershey: l was supposed to be watching out for him. Dredd: Don t blame yourself, Hershey. He made the mistake, not you. Hershey: Wouldn t it feel good to have an emotion once in a while, huh Dredd: Emotions. There oughta be a law against them. Servodroid: Eat recycled food. Dredd: Halt Servodroid: lt s good for the environment, and okay for you. Please make your selection. insert your credit in the slot. Dredd: You have five seconds to surrender Hershey: Dredd, it s just a servodroid. Servodroid: The servodroid is your friend. Please let your friend go by. Dredd: Five. Four. Three. Two. Servodroid: You are in the way of the servodroid. Dredd: One Herman: Boy, am l glad to see you Dredd: Mega City code 7592 Willful sabotage of a public droid. That s six months, citizen. Let s see your Unicard. Herman: Come on, give me a break, Uh Dredd. Dredd God Hershey: Ferguson, Herman. Hacker. illegal tampering with city droids, computers, cash machines, taxi robots Dredd