Dog Just Wants His Donkey Friend To Be Happy, The Dodo Odd Couples
Dog Just Wants His Donkey Friend To Be Happy, When Lily the donkey was rescued as a baby, she felt so alone until Yoda the dog started tucking her into bed every night. Today on Odd Couples, watch how Yoda decided to ride Lily and protect her from all the other animals but made an exception when she developed a crush on another donkey. You can keep up with Lily and Yoda s adorable friendship on Instagram, lilyandyodasfunnyfarm: Special thanks to Laura for sharing this amazing story with us If youd like to share your awesome animal videos with us, you can submit them here: Love Animals Subscribe: Follow The Dodo: Howl with us on Take a peek at our Snapchat: Hablas español : Love our Instagram: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Read more on our site: For the love of animals. Pass it on. ,thedodo, animals, dogs, cats, kittens, puppies