Wright Brothers Flight (1900 1920)
This is part of a Pathe progress story contrasting the modern aeroplanes of the late 1920 s with Wright Brothers early planes. CU from behind Wright plane ready to take off; it taxis on three small wheels; a few men walking or running after it. Cut to shot of another Wright plane flying at low altitude over muddy field. Then shot of plane flying higher; towards camera. Rotating wipe; changes to shot of bizarre craft, looks like passenger plane with windows along sides but is moving in the water; 4 front propellers spinning. Next a big 4propeller biplane on ground at airfield. Closer shot from front of the shiny metallic plane. CU from just behind wings and propellers. Side view nose; cockpit; portable stairs under plane door. Title The Pathe Gazette now takes you back to 1903 to see one of Wilbur Wright s first flights to enable you to realise aviation s giant progress in 24 years. (Film may actually be from as 1909). CU as Wilbur Wright attaches wheels to plane; or really; tilts plane t