Ph D George G Kostandi Mount Blade Prophesy Pendor Secret Hidden Chest gaming gamium rts rpg
The channel KOSTANDI is controlled by the cochairman of a public organization, engineer, sociologist, ecologist, naval officer, economist, MBA, George G. Kostandi. Our channel KOSTANDI is not about PC games and streams. We don t like PC games of the following genres: action, horror, shooter, arpg, rpg, tbt, tbs, rtt, rts, mmo, mmorpg, mmorts, mmortt, moba, stealth, tactics, strategy, adventure, fantasy, survival, simulation, p4w, f2p, hardcore, trading, management, business. We are always happy to communicate with adults, friendly, intelligent, very smart, highly educated people. We are not part of the gaming community. We do not contact gamers, streamers, Thanks for views, likes, shares, comments, subscribe. KOSTANDI KOSTANDI LIVE PhD GEORGE KOSTANDI