Roshu Kata performed slowly by André Bertel (7th Dan), Japan
This video shows a form of 浪手 (Roushu) never taught openly before. This version is Asai Sensei s refined version. There are many different stances, stance transitions, movements, techniques and bujutsu applications. I was compelled to share this, so that it is not lost. It is the ultimate form of this kata. This video while not exciting (it was my warm up during my selftraining today), is primarily for the participants of the seminar I taught last month (September 2023) in Sindelfingen, Germany. It is to remind them of the sequence and key points, which I will not be clear to those who did not attend. Future seminars will feature kata I ve never shared before from Asai Sensei; moreover, the bujutsukarate applications that they encompass. IKS (International Karate Shotokan) is aiming to spread this karate legacy, domestically, here in Japan and via the continuation of seminars abroad internationally. Okay, so on to some information about this version of ROSHU.