Wasted Youth Good Day For A Hanging
Here s an actual digital copy of Good Day For A Hanging from MTV2 by Wasted Youth (In HD). From the 1988 album Black Daze, the band s best final album. Remastered audio and the video was already perfect. I think this is a MUCH better copy compared to the old LP mode VHS copies I ve seen on youtube with both bad audio and video. All of these more obscure videos actually aired digitally on MTV2 during the A to Z marathon, but unfortunately we ll never see them air again (thanks to Viacom). Everyone write Viacom and let them know your pissed Tell them your sick of seeing pregnant teenagers, sweet 16 bullshit and reality show GARBAGE Join in the fight against ignorance. Current MTV is slowly warping the human mind into absolute stupidity. These guys were on the Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part III Soundtrack along with Laaz Rockit, Death Angel and Obsession. Again, please leave this where it is, on my youtube account. Thanks to my buddy Ralph for setting me up with high quality MPEG2 copies of