Iranian War Song
You have given all the tortures and deceptions of wealth and money The world is ready for a new revolutionary war The world is ready for a new revolutionary war Satan s Spokesmen, the Zionists, are screaming The saudi kings are screaming with deep throats just the same The saudi kings are screaming with deep throats just the same Takfiris wahabbis and Daesh(isis) are all the same Under the shadow of the greater Satan(American Government)they are all one As long as Gods people are alive As long as Gods people are alive The enemy will never sleep peacefully at night The enemy will never sleep peacefully at night The entire world echoes with the cry of Khomeini s Revolution s Ideology and information Spreads in the world The infidels Ease and rest has been destroyed Oh people of god and Islam do not worry Do not talk about war to us for we are not yet dead Do not talk about war to us for we are not yet dead Our Logics and dictionaries do not recognize this Come over to IRAQ YEM