ART 114: Mexican Muralism The Legend of Prometheus
This video is about ART 114: Mexican Muralism The Legend of Prometheus Photo Credit Apitatan. Title Unknown. 2015. Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico. Web. 18 July 2018. Saner, SegoyOvbal. Weaver of Dreams. 2010. National Museum of Popular Cultures, Mexico. Web. 18 July 2018. Saner. Characters by Roa. 2012. Mexico City, Mexico. Web. 7 July 2018. Artist Unknown. 2018. Chilango, Mexico. Web. 16 July 2018. Siqueiros, David A. The Revolutionaries. 19561965. Web. 16 July 2018. Rivera, Diego. Detroit Industry Murals, 1933. Web. 16 July 2018. Orozco, Jose C. Gods of the Modern World, 1933. Web. 16 July 2018. Orozco, Jose C. Prometheus. 1930. Web. 16 July 2018. Rivera, Diego. The Lib br, br,