JUST DO IT ft. Shia La Beouf Songify This
Paste down my face, on my hair, on my shirt. She looks at me, and i m looking at her. 1, 2, 3 your life is your life, somewhere there is light. The god wait to delight in you. It beats the darkness, you are marvelous. Who s pretending to be who (who pretending to be who). Your life is your life, the forms the repetitions. Don t let it be clubbed, into the dank submissions. You should get to the point where anyone else would quit, your ganna wake up and WORK HARD AT IT. JUST DO IT, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. JUST DO IT, YESTERDAY YOU SAID TOMORROW. JUST DO IT, DONT LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS. The more often you do it the more light there will be. The more light there will be. I squirt toothpaste in my mouth, i start to brush. shes looking at me. I start to brush. Sometimes it feels like we fill that void between this. That void between me and Shia Lubeouf (Shia Lubeouf). Paste down my face, on my hair, on my shirt. She looks at me, and i m looking at her. I once rubbed my self on th