Jinn Fighters: How Your Cute Cat Wards Off Alien Demons from Your Home
Q A Chapters : 00:00 Go check out the Shaykh AI 01:29 On the topic of Anfusihum, does azaab (punishment) fall upon the student if they don t meditate and use the key to fight the oppression within and around them 08:56 On the topic of auzu (seek refuge) and Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, does auzu carry a jalali (majestic) energy and Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem carry a jamali (beatific) energy 14:53 If the soul goes into Divinely Presence in the world of light, you mentioned that it stays there and a different reality comes back, can you please expand 20:48 When attempting to change our frequency through the connection and spiritual practices, what are the outer signs that we are moving forward through veils What are the outer signs that we are moving backwards 23:14 I came across a nasheed (song of praise), while doing my meditation, it felt like electricity moving up and down my legs, and my upper part of my body got all heated up. Please explain to me what is happenin