Learn To Weave Star, Snowflake, Sunflower
I ve spent some time with the Amish community, taking in their beautiful traditional basketry skills, and my breath was taken away when I saw these beautiful creations. They go by a few different names, Star Snowflake Sunflower, whatever you refer to it as doesn t effect the profound beauty and unique qualities of this admired centerpiece. SIZE VARIATIONS These are the recommended lengths for different reed thicknesses; 3, 8 thick reed: cut 12 to 13 inches long. 1, 2 thick reed: cut 16 to 18 inches long, or 5, 8 thick reed: cut 20 to 24 inches long The most important part is that all 10 pieces are marked in the center and that all of them are exactly the same length depending on the size of the star you want. Also, do not use floppy or soft material A LI