Maybeshewill Not For Want of Trying +4 Full Album
Maybeshewill (United Kingdom) Not For Want of Trying +4 (2008) postrock Maybeshewill Bandcamp: Website: Tracklist: 1. Ixnay On The Autoplay 00:00 2. Seraphim Cherubim 1:42 3. The Paris Hilton Sex Tape 4:58 4. I m In Awe, Amadeus 8:33 5. We Called For An Ambulance But A Fire Engine Came 12:12 6. Heartflusters 15:35 7. 19:24 8. He Films The Clouds Pt. 2 21:50 ( Favorite track ) 9. Not For Want Of Trying 28:33 10. Takotsubo 34:07 11. He Films The Clouds (Japanese Spy Transcript Version) 35:56 12. The Paris Hilton Sex Tape (Japanese Spy Transcript Version) 38:09 13. In Another Life, When We Are Both Cats (Japanese Spy Transcript Version) 41:42 14. Japanese Spy Transcript (Japanese Spy Transcript Version) 46:57 Help me to keep channel alive: Join our postrock community on Discord: Follow our Spotify playlist: