Eisensteins Battleship Potemkin ( Pet Shop Boys OST) HD (1925 2005)
In 1925, Soviet movie director Sergei Eisenstein produced Battleship Potemkin which remains one of the greatest achievements in cinematic history The tale of the sailors mutiny against their atrocious conditions, the enthusiastic support it received from the working class of Odessa, and the vicious reprisals of the Cossacks sums the entire experience of the defeated 1905 Russian As part of the concept, Eisenstein asked for the score to be rewritten every 20 years, in order to retain its relevance to each new generation: two of the devoted musicians were Pet Shop Boys Tennant Lowe: hands down, they created the best soundtrack for this epic masterpiece which they performed live in September 2004, in London s Trafalgar Square: a treasure of an electroorchestral OST