Favorite Back, Shoulder Warm Up Exercises, Stephanie Sanzo
Stephanie Sanzo aka StephFitMum is going to take you through her 3 favorite warmup exercises for back and shoulder workouts. Shop Primeval Labs: Subcribe to the Primeval Labs YouTube Channel: More Videos from StephFitMum: , Stephanie Sanzo s Favorite Back, Shoulder WarmUp Exercises, 1. Resistance Bands Dislocations :3 sets, 810 reps 2. Resistance Band Pull Aparts : 3 sets, 810 reps 3. Dumbbell Exernal Rotations: 3 sets, 810 reps 4. Unilateral Kettle Bell Press: 3 sets, 810 reps , Rotator Cuff WarmUps, The rotator cuff is a complex group of muscles that suffer greatly from repetitive overuse in sports like baseball, softball, and volleyball. The cuff also takes a beating among fitness enthusiasts who are also desk jockeys or phone ownersso, most of themand strong people who don t balance their workouts, stressing anterior lifts like bench press wit