13 Study Tips: The Science of Better Learning
Our brain can potentially memorize 2. 5 petabytes of information, which is roughly the equivalent of 3 million hours of YouTube videos. In order to use some of that staggering capacity a little more effectively when you study, here are some tips that are based on widelyaccepted research by neuroscientists and learning experts. ,learn, learning, studying Support our work and become a patreon: Never miss a new video: Read the entire scripts here: Books: The Mind within the Net: Models of Learning, Thinking, and Acting, by Manfred Spitzer How we Learn, by Benedict Carey A Mind For Numbers, by Barbara Oakley, Sources: Brain Capacity Spaced Repetition Find your own Style Good Night Sleep Spaced Repetition Pomodoro Hard Stuff first Expertise, Meditate, Converse Go Places Take Fun Seriously Space Your Studies 70 Recite vs 30 Memorizse Instant SelfTest