STUCK INSIDE FNAF MUSIC ANIMATED VIDEO ( Living Tombstone, CG5, Black Gryph0n, Baasik, Kevin Foster)
, fnaf, stuckinside SONG: BY: CG5 TheLivingTombstone BlackGryph0n Baasikmusic MODELS: VibaPop LYRICS Ive been away Ive been away too long Way too long But Im home again Long after I had done What Id done Whats become of them I thought their souls were gone Somethings wrong So I need to put an end to everyone Every one (2, 3, 4) Five nights Five innocent lives I took before their time Its alright Ill be fine Even though they died a Part of them survived Ill make them unalive Its alright Ill be fine Safe inside We are but machines But we breath Life into a glowing Home full of new friends Not the end Only blood that s flowing Here is in our father He s the author Of our wonderland He made us into what we ve become Five live