Firestarter Explained: Director Reveals Rainbird s Real Power
Editor s note: The following contains spoilers for Firestarter (2022). Director Keith Thomas and writer Scott Teems make a handful of changes to Stephen Kings source material for their 2022 Firestarter movie, but one of the biggest of the bunch has to be what they do with Michael Greyeyes character, Rainbird. The film focuses on Ryan Kiera Armstrongs Charlie, a young girl with immense power whos having a tougher and tougher time controlling it as she gets older. Her parents, Andy (Zac Efron) and Vicky (Sydney Lemmon), gained their abilities via an experiment involving a drug called Lot 6 conducted by a topsecret federal agency, The Shop. Now The Shop is after Charlie and theyve got to do everything they can to protect her from their agents, including an especially notorious one, Greyeyes Rainbird. With Firestarter now playing in theaters and available to stream on Peacock, its time to share our interview with Thomas which includes details on how he came to the conclusion tha