ALS Give me reason ( PH 65 SPOILERS )
WARNING: HUGE, MINDFUCKING SPOILERS FOR RETRACE 65. Don t watch if you haven t read that chapter yet This seriously killed me. I was having fun with but then shit happened and gaaaaah Stupid BUT IT HAD TO BE FINISHED PH 65 WAS SUCH AN AMAZING CHAPTER I HAD TO MAKE A VIDEO I bow to Mochizukisensei s epic trolling skills you stabbed I won t forgive you. EVER. Hope that Elliot finds your ethereal ass somewhere and burns your house down. WITH THE LEMONS shot Special thanks to Tara, for convincing me that I wasn t failing and for that masked picture of Elliot and Reo at 0:39. Though I will never edit with your system EVER again xD And this is dedicated to my 1600+ subscribers Seriously guys, you never cease to impress me. Thanks for all your support and kind words Song: New Divide Artist: Linkin Park Manga: Pandora Hearts , 5 br, br,