Sketch SHE 70 Лет Истории Музыки
1. 00:00 NirvanaSmells Like Teen Spirit 2. 00:05 The Andrews SistersBoogieWoogie Bugle Boy 3. 00:22 Elvis PresleyHound Dog 4. 00:39 The BeatlesHelp 5. 00:46 Ivy QueenWe Will Rock You 6. 01:03 Michael JacksonBeat It 7. 01:17 Whitney HoustonI Wanna Dance with Somebody 8. 01:37 Cerberus CircuitbreakerSmells Like Old People Spirit 9. 01:55 Dr. DreThe Next Episode Ft. Nate Dogg 10. 02:05 Britney SpearsBaby One More Time 11. 02:15 EminemThe Real Slim Shady 12. 02:24 GrimyUse Ta Know 13. 02:34 The CartersSingle Ladies (Put a Ring on It) 14. 02:47 Gotye, KimbraSomebody That I Used To Know 15. 02:57 RoyvilleSweat Shop 16. 03:07 Thrift ShopMacklemore Ryan Lewis 17. 03:19 MIX, 058 18. 03:07 Miley CyrusWrecking Ball