Dev Talk Ru at, Golang Piter with Johan Brandhorst : Security is never enough and the future of Golang
Johan Brandhorst, London, United Kingdom, Software Engineer, Utility Warehouse Talk about: Security is never enough and the future of Golang. Johan grew up and studied in Sweden but has worked in United Kingdom as a programmer since 2012 at both multinational companies and small startups. He s the maintainer of many big open source projects, such as the grpcgateway and grpcweb. Having started with C, C++, he now spends his time working almost exclusively with Go, presenting at conferences around the world on topics as diverse as WebAssembly and writing REST services with gRPC. ++++++++++++++++ Golang Piter 2019 Follow us Vk: Facebook: Twitter: Telegram: t. me, GolangPiter Instagram: , golangpiter ++++++++++++++++ SILVER SPONSOR DELL TECHNOLOGIES ++++++++++++++++ ORGANIZERS ITEvents ITDominanta